2:00PM - 2:20PM
CA Pavilion Stage
Predictive Market Research and Insights: An Innovative Virtual Simulation Model
Are you looking for ways to predict clinical practice behaviors relative to your new treatment protocols? Gauge the impact of new therapies, clinical trial data, and key messages on treatment selection with a unique, simulated clinical experience, matching the scope of actual practice. Gain actionable insights from the ensuing ...
4:30PM - 4:50PM
CA Pavilion Stage
CIAPM: Accelerating Precision Medicine
The California Initiative to Advance Precision Medicine is a state-funded effort promoting precision medicine and the impact it has on patient lives, partly through multi-disciplinary, cross-sector demonstration projects. Project leads will discuss their patient data based diagnostics and tools, and their vision for broad-ranging improvements to health and healthcare. ...
5:00PM - 6:30PM
CA Pavilion Stage

5:15PM - 5:35PM
CA Pavilion Stage
BIO welcomes I-Corps participants to the California Pavilion
SPEAKER: Peter M. Pellerito, Senior Advisor, Federal/State Economic Development and University Relations, Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO)
10:45AM - 11:05AM
CA Pavilion Stage
California has become a sought after location for Biotech…how do you create a Biotech-friendly City?
Sponsored by City of South San Francisco MODERATOR: Mike Futrell, South San Francisco City Manager PANELISTS: California Assemblyman Kevin Mullin Pradeep Gupta, Ph.D., South San Francisco Mayor Sara Radcliffe, CEO & President, California Life Sciences Association Nick Conley, Ph.D., CEO & Co-founder, EpiBiome, Inc.
2:00PM - 3:00PM
CA Pavilion Stage